Saveer has established one of the prestigious Rainout Shelter Facility in Indira Gandhi krishi vishwavidalaya, Raipur Chhattisgarh on 7 October 2012, which was inaugurated by Shri Sharad Pawar Hon’ble Union Minister of agriculture & food processing industries, Govt. of India, in presence of Dr. Raman Singh Hon’ble chief minister of Chhattisgarh, Govt. of India, Dr. S.Ayyappan secretary DARE & Director General, ICAR, New Delhi & Dr. D.A. Sarnaik, Director Research IGKV, Raipur. The facility is a special designed automated rainout shelter works based on sensor-based inputs monitoring strong winds and rains there by automatically shifting the roof cover area towards growing zone from parking zone to protect the experimental crops. Once the conditions return to normal, this superstructure return to its parking place.
After this prestigious installation, Saveer had progressed further towards establishment of more than 30 rainout shelter facilities in India with reputed clients like ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Barapani, Shillong in the presence of Dr. S V Nachan Director ICAR Barapani Shillong, Dr. a Pattnayak Principal Scientist ICAR Barapani Shillong which was inaugurated by State Agriculture Minister Shri Charan Das Mahant. This facility is mainly used for Drought related studies by means of controlling the water input in both static & movable conditions.